Pilots operate the Endlaves via a remote cockpit where they control it's movement using their brains. Their headquarters is located in Roppongi at a building called Roppongi Fort. Undertakers/Funeral Parlor A resistance group/terrorist organization that aims to free Japan from the GHQ. They have the authority to detain and quarantine suspected Apocalypse carriers and if necessary, use deadly force to contain any outbreaks. An independent military unit, the Anti Bodies are an elite force that have access to special equipment and resources to combat the spread of the Apocalypse Virus. Anti Bodies Official known as the Special Virus Countermeasure Force, the Anti Bodies are the GHQ epidemic control unit. The GHQ headquarters is located at Area 24, a mega-structure constructed on Odaiba, Tokyo Bay.

After containing the outbreak and restoring order, Japan gave it's administrative duties to the GHQ where it became the official interim government of Japan with the GHQ forces policing the country under martial law. GHQ A multinational military force backed by the United Nations to help Japan contain the Apocalypse Virus during the "Lost Christmas" incident. Unable to contain it, the Japanese government asked for international help. The "Lost Christmas" incident On December 2029, an outbreak of the Apocalypse Virus appeared in Roppongi, Tokyo leading to a chaotic turmoil in the country. There is a vaccine to prevent infection where regular inoculations are required. Originated from a meteorite crash in Japan, the transmission mechanisms are currently not understood but upon infection, the host's body will begin to show various stages of symptoms where a crystalline substance forms on their body. Terminology Apocalypse Virus A newly discovered deadly virus that crystallizes it's victims. This "mark" bestows on him the power to reach inside another person's body and extract and materialize a weapon from it. Shu starts taking a part in the actions of "Funeral Parlor" and the "King's Mark" appears on his right hand. However, he also discovers the other side of her, which is that she is a member of "Funeral Parlor", a resistance group that aims to liberate Japan from the GHQ. Shu is a big fan of Inori, a singer who has taken the Internet world by storm. Ten years later in 2039, Shu Ouma, a 17-year-old high school student who keeps to himself in school, meets Inori Yuzuriha, the lead singer for Egoist, while visiting one of his favorite places on his way home from school. An international organization known as the GHQ intervenes with martial law and restores order to Japan at the cost of its independence. Guilty Crown's setting begins in 2029 when an unidentified "Apocalypse Virus" spreads and plunges Japan into a state of emergency in a chaos known as the "Lost Christmas".